
My name is André Carus.  I recently put together an online bibliography about Carnap, which gave me the opportunity of reviewing the entire literature on him, now of a size that no one person can stay on top of it.  So obviously I missed some things, as I already realize, including some good ones.  This blog is intended to make up for that — to supplement the bibliography and help me keep it up to date (as I’m apparently supposed to do).  Inevitably, a blog will stray into related (and perhaps unrelated) subjects.  One thing it will attempt that a bibliography can’t is to bring a Carnapian perspective to bear on some current philosophical preoccupations, sometimes by discussing published texts.  My makeshift website provides a bit more context for all this.

I used to run a publishing business, until I sold it a few years ago.  It had been in the family for three generations before me, but the current environment for print media left us no choice.  For the past 17 years or so, I’ve also been writing philosophy things, including many on Carnap.  I even went so far, since I was living in Hyde Park, as to get a Ph.D. in philosophy at the University of Chicago, supervised by Howard Stein (I may have set a U of C record for length of time from beginning of graduate study to degree).  But I have no desire for an actual philosophy job.  I live with an academic and I know too well what it’s like. Better to blog superciliously from the sidelines.

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