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Treasure trove of Carnap photos

Thanks to Erika Carnap-Thost, Carnap’s granddaughter, I was able to borrow and digitize a large number of her family photos, some dating way back (there are pictures of Carnap’s parents, sister, relatives and many other people, as well as later family snapshots from the 60s in California).  There is some overlap between this collection and the even larger one at the Pittsburgh archive (this part, i.e. Boxes 22 and 23, of the Carnap papers there has not yet been made available online), but I’m not sure which copy of the photos in this overlap is an original — if either — or even how extensive the overlap is.  With a few exceptions, the negatives appear to be lost.

If you look at these and find them interesting or informative, you might consider sending a thank-you note to Erika at luverika (at) gmail.com, but don’t inundate her with questions about who is who on the photos, or about their provenance.  Send those queries to me first, and if I can’t help we can then ask Erika, other family members, or other well-informed people like Rick Creath.  If you want permission to reproduce one or the other of them, you’ll first have to check whether Pitt has the same photo (sorry), and if so you’ll have to go through them.  They are very efficient and cooperative, though, so that’s not much of a burden.

If you want to reproduce one of the photos that is not at Pittsburgh, you’ll have to get permission from Erika.  Keep in mind that the files linked to here are significantly reduced from the original scans I had made.  These were, admittedly, at some insanely high dpi that is completely unnecessary for at least 95% of these photos, but if for some special purpose you want to be extra sure that nothing is lost, I can dig out the original scan (the files are huge — some are over 70mb) and make it available.


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